Saturday, September 28, 2013

I'm thinking about a new blog..............

Hola everyone, soy yo, Skittles!
It's 10:06 at night. I have been wondering about whether or not I make a new blog based on everything scary (Since I love horror.) I've been thinking about doing these things for about three years. I've always (other than being a musician) wanted to create and share stories that have been popping in my head, but since just scary stories and legends don't seem to be enough, I also wanted to talk about movies, shows, video games, books, hell even music videos. There are so many things I've found since being on the internet that I've come to enjoy, an alternative to Youtube and mostly Facebook. I'm still going to be updating as usual on this blog since I love rock music also, I've just wanted to manke another blog based on horror. I've even thought about doing a nosleep account to share my creepy stories online, besides, there doesn't seem to be enough Spanish horror (mostly movies) so I wanted to partake my favorite hobby ever since I was 6.
That's mostly all I wanted to talk about right now. I'll see you guys later! :P

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