Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Song Of The Day #Something (Screw It I Lost Count)

Because of what I've been doing lately.....
I'M KIDDING! (Only the last one was true............) :(
Joking again, but anyways I've decided to make these but I don't feel like counting them (even though I haven't really even made a lot of these posts.) I know I'm not a real music critic by professionalism (I don't even know how the how people get paid to do that shit.) but I love sharing my thoughts on here even though nobody really knows me. I've decide to not number these anymore due to possible laziness, but I still don't think anyone gives a
Anyways, todays SOTD is:
Cinderella: Shake Me
Yes as you can see clearly, today is a Glam Metal track. Yep............80's glamorous take on Heavy Metal............ Also featuring a band you might have remembered some time ago. People might be wondering right now, "Why the fuck are you posting this kind of crap?!" Answer: Because I don't give a
The magic word here isn't sneeze....
Surely they were one of the most heavily played bands (music video wise) on MTV during the 80's. The band is legendary in the Glam Metal genre (even though they also play Hard Rock & Blues Rock also) and their albums sold millions achieving platinum status for only a few short years. But sadly around the time 90's were coming, it seemed like every single decade, mainstream media had to find a genre that flocked a shitload of followers and decided to not understand the meaning of said genre, turn it instead into a fashion, and anything that was in before soon suffered a fate too uncalled for and vanished completely to the public eye just because it wasn't "in". (Not like it was supposed to in the first place.) That's what Cinderella seemed to suffer the most when the 90's came, everything seemed to take somewhat of a more serious tone because of the Alternative scene. Sure Glam Metal started around the 70's, but people were trying to cash in on it around the 80's. When it ended, artists either had to try to change their style and looks somewhat while trying to maintain their dedicated fans, or simply quit. Damn music corporations and fashion imbeciles!
Cinderella though had a really great song that would stick to my head for several days faster than a 2-minute toothtunes toothbrush (Who seriously buys that crap, it's not even the whole song. Minus well just jam out your ipod or mp3 or cd or cassette or record or radio or mind or etc.) "Shake Me" is one of those songs that seems perfect of shaky love under the covers, hence the title. Drummer Fred Coury drops the usual Hard Rock beat before Michael Smerick, Tom Keifer, & Eric Brittingham start strumming to an almost identical intro to iconic KISS song "Rock N Roll All Nite" and several other shitloads of songs that have a similar intro, before playing a different rhythm. (BUT IT'S NOT COPYRIGHT TO USE A COUPLE OF NOTES SINCE THERE'S ONLY SIX STRINGS ON A GUITAR.......UNLESS IT'S GOT MORE THEN ONE NECK.) This song, you guys, is one of the most awesomest nitty, gritty, dirty songs of the 80's that Cinderella created. If you don't believe me, check it out.

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