Saturday, September 28, 2013

Song of the day! (& 2 more)

I keep forgetting to update!
Lately I've been tired during the daytime and at night I have trouble sleeping. It's not because of the fact that lately I've been looking at creepy things and stories (since I've been looking into that since I was 6 years old.)
Even though this shit creeped me out, I've seen worse and still slept
Point being, I totally forgot to update the last two days. So yeah............ :) Today's songs we will be viewing  are:
The Velvet Underground: After Hours
Genres: Art Rock, Folk Rock
El Otro Yo: Sensacion Especial
Genres: Noise Rock, Shoegaze, Punk Rock, Alternative
The Strokes: 12:51
Genres: New Wave, Indie Rock, Garage Rock
Yay! First off, I'm in love with this band. Anyone who's really into the Indie scene must know The Velvet Underground. They are THE most legendary underground band during the late 60's. Named after a intriguing book about the exploration and mysteries of sex, The Velvet Underground inspired a shitload of artists since they were one of the first prominent artistic bands in history. They were also famous for being associated with Andy Warhol, The Factory and The Exploding Plastic Inevitable Events.
The man is a fucking genius!
This song is the final track off of the self-titled third album. "After Hours" is a folk song sung by drummer Maureen "Moe" Tucker. It's a cute song about trying to find love at social gatherings, usually held at night. The only company there with her vocals are Lou Reed playing acoustic guitar and Doug Yule on bass. It's reminiscent of the Tin Alley style of the 30's. This is a special song from the band not only for it's innocent, almost child-like lyrics, but for the fact that Moe barely sings in the entire band's discography, not even as backing vocals. You mostly saw her usually drumming upright or plucking the bass in some live performances. When she did sing, the songs felt different, unique, magical, quirky but also beautiful.
Plus she dressed tom-boyishly!
The next song comes from an Indie Rock band straight from the heart of Argentina. Yes, of course, they sing in Spanish. Think of this band like a Latin version of Sonic Youth or Pixies. One of the most diverse bands of the 90's, El Otro Yo could simply be stated as Alternative, but that was only ONE of the styles they played. no they were more than just your average Alternative band, all of their songs seemed to range differently on influence. Actually they are considered the Latino equivalent to Sonic Youth, another influential band that experiments with various genres. They even have different lead vocalists.
"Oh my God, that's been around for a long time."
 Yes I know that compositions like that have existed. It's just the rarity of having different lead vocalists with an equal amount of songs, especially ones that feature a male and female. This song starts out with a Dinosaur Jr.-like riff (Jangly guitar sound provided by Gabriel Guerrisi.) before vocalist Cristian Aldana sings in a bellowed whisper with an audibly strong bassline by Maria Aldana (She also ehoes in a dreamlike sequence towards the end of the song.) along with Rocky Rua's steadiness on the drums. Then Cristian yells out during the song's main chorus about that "Sensational Feeling" that only the special someone can give off. Kinda like Francis Black on several Pixie songs.
"Quit with the band references! It's annoying!"
 Sorry but that's how I seem to describe every single artist I can think of, by describing someone else in a unique way (Even though I feel awkward since it kind of kills the whole uniqueness of bands.) The last song is a Strokes song (No not "Reptilia", even though you have to admit the whole snare and bass intro that Nikolai and Fabrizio do while distortion starts to settle in is fucking awesome.), "12:51". Alongside the usual vintage Garage Rock sound the band plays, "12:51: has a different sound then the other songs. It's reminiscent of New Wave, except none of the band members recorded a keyboard in the song, which was a usual in a regular New Wave song other then the Post-Punk sound. Nick Valensi happened to make his guitar sound just like a synthesizer while Albert's guitar just sounds like a normal guitar in an catchy ass melody. Julian Casablancas croons about the questions an older person ponders when falling in love with someone younger. Sure it's short and has somewhat bleak lyrics, but it's a top personal favorite to a lot of Strokes fans. You have to check out all of these songs.

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