Monday, September 23, 2013

Song(s) of the day!

Damn it has been 3 days since my last post. I've been too glued to the tv lately since I finally played Bioshock Infinite and that game is soooooooo good!
I'm still not done sadly sooooooooo........
Anyways that being said, I havent done this crap in a while. :P This is the 2nd time I've done something like this. So without any other obligations, I'm happy to announce three songs for today. (Maybe I should be doing this more often.) The songs and artists today are:
The Kinks: You Really Got Me
Ladytron: Sugar
Mickey & Sylvia: Dearest
Let's start of with The Kinks, and important British Garage Rock band that sometimes is sadly forgotten under the veil of The Beatles, The Who, and (most recently, even though I'm not into it) One Direction. The Kinks, however, were very important since they later became what today music historians quote as "Protopunk". (The Who were also an influential Protopunk band.) "What is protopunk?" you may be asking yourself or simply Googling it afterwards. Simple: Proto in the English language means "First" and you of course heard of Punk Rock before right? So combine them together and you get a catalogue of groups that either showed bizarre or wild antics, outfits sometimes caused some flares inside the stage, had very controversial songs and lyrics, played on experimentation or artistic looks than cliche and money, and employed a very powerful voice alongside heavy instrumentation.
Like this but earlier
That's what The Kinks were labeled as and I have to agree with them since they themselves created distortion. Ray Davies slices an amp speaker with a razor and pins it. Shit the only thing people weren't happy about it the famous solo midway of the song. It wasn't performed by any of the Davies brothers, nor Mick or Pete, but Jimmy Page (Another influential artist) who was there only for a session. It doesn't matter to me though, their songs are awesome! I mean shit, everyone should have heard of this song before (If not the Van Halen cover.)
Next up on the list takes us all the way to 2005, where an interesting Electronic group summed up their 3rd studio album. Ladytron is a group that's very hard to put in one category, since their sound tends to change a little bit every single album. "Witching Hour" is possible one of their finest albums to date, blending in Electronica with Shoegaze, Dream Pop, Experimental, Art Rock, etc. This is the finest example of what their name represents. (If you haven't heard "Ladytron" by Roxy Music, you should consider it.) "Sugar" has somewhat of a gritty 90's Depeche Mode and Lush feel to it. It's gives somewhat of a magically dirty feel to it. (Hence since the song could possibly be about cocaine.)
I wish it was this kind of Coke.
Reuben Wu, Helen Marnie, Daniel Hunt, Mira Aroyo, if magically you read this, THANK YOU! I know a lot of people are going to not like my comment but I think your music is like a 21st century comparison to The Velvet Underground or Bjork! Seriously you guys good job and keep it up! :D For a band that really seems to reel in the possibility of experimenting a shitload of genres, I couldn't have been happier then listening to awesome late 60's and 70's music!
Yes I know. It's a paper plate.
Finally, speaking of old school, I'm dragging you back to some oldies. :P Por que? Well damn because it's not bad to listen to something old once in a while, especially if they're the ones that created your favorite type of music in the first place. I'm talking about old classic Rock & Roll.
I know.........another one
Have you heard of Mickey & Sylvia? If not, I don't blame you. Sadly while there are legends like Ike & Tina Turner, Elvis Presley, Bill Haley & The Comets, Los Cinco Latinos, & Ray Charles (Hell I could keep going.) the duo have been shrouded in darkness except for one song. Yes ladies & gentlemen, ever since music was created, there have been composers, writers, singers, groups, bands, etc. that are known only for a single hit. It's been featured a lot (especially in Dirty Dancing.) but this is not their hit. In fact I believe this is their best unknown song that is even better than "Love Is Strange". "Dearest" is one of those slow jams, but possibly this is by far their most romantic also. Hell even Buddy Holly covered this before he died! I hope you guys enjoyed this.

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