Monday, September 16, 2013

Song of the day #2

It's time to go 50's!
Just a simple run through
In all honesty, even though back then there was hate running around freely in public and the songs were pretty cheesy in songwriting, This era was something to appreciate because something glorious came out of it! Something extraordinary, something powerful, something that was extreme at the time that many people at the time didn't know was going to lead a revolution against those that knew the damage it would cause. It reached radiowaves every single day and millions were exposed to it, causing an uproar of a new culture all xenophobics would fear. It's name was Rock & Roll!
Neon signs are still pretty badass

Even though I'm clearly going to write more on this fantastic movement that not only helped generate great music but also started a revolution for all freedom of sorts, that will all be explained in a future post, since we are only talking about one song. A song from one of the legendary artists from the 50's:
Little Richard: The Girl Can't Help It
This song was originally meant for a movie that came out at the same time, but people went crazy about the title track that it immediately became a single and reached the Top 100. For someone whom a lot of people criticized for his effeminate looks on stage (seriously, this guy truly created Glam Rock in a way), he sure as hell showed everyone (including his father) that was NOT a failure. Especially since he got a lot of females chasing after him, whom people called a "sissy" but didn't get that much attention like he did. Even though half of the time now he's into gospel, he's still rocking the stage on that glorious piano of his! It's one of his most remembered songs, especially the catchy background chorus that has been sampled recently for fergie's "Clumsy". Check it out! :D

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