Saturday, October 12, 2013

Song Of The Day! (& More)

Hello anyone reading this, it's been a while since my last post. Sorry about that! I have been busy for a while, so I barely had the time to post as usual.
Sometimes I feel like that.
No, it's not that. I haven't forgotten, I've just been busy trying to deal with other peoples stupid issues
Something along those lines....
and I also have been cleaning yesterday.
I'm wondering if I should congratulate myself on this.
So anyways again, I would like to make up for the days past by presenting today's SOTD and two other songs that I haven't shown. These of course are all mostly different from each other. Today's (And the other day's) STODs are:
Nirvana: Negative Creep
Genres: Alternative Metal, Grunge
Os Mutantes: Não Vá Se Perder Por Aí
Genres: Experimental Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Zwan: Lyric
Genres: Dream Pop; Indie Rock, Space Rock, Alternative
Okay let's start of with the first song. Nirvana was one of the biggest names of the 90's. They were one of the bands that made Grunge took off into the mainstream audience, even though I always criticize the mainstream sometimes for taking things too far and then ruining things like Grunge and then having a "take" on what they presume it is (Signing more bands that happen to sound the same but don't deliver what it truly means.) Kurt Cobain was truly a legend that maybe shouldn't have been ensnared by the world, since it seemed like everyone either loved him, criticized him, or even tried so hard to be exactly like him. It's a very sad thing to see how people look at you like you're a deity and want to see you crumble just a little bit. I feel bad in my part to haven't really grown up to meet him and also understand him. Enough about the tragedies, we always have to see it's legend in order to cherish it.
I wonder if in the end of all this, he was happy....
Let's listen to the first album to know what the Grunge scene was like in the late 80's. It's totally awesome how Kurt's vocals sound almost like Lemmy from Motorhead! (I had to Wiki that to make sure I didn't screw up in guessing.) While he wails around about how possibly dark he could be or feel, we are accompanied by the heavy metal riff or both Chris Novoselic (Actually spelled Krist) and Kurdt (Deliberate spelling sometimes is kinda fun, don'tcha think?) while Chad Channings blares the drumset to a Hardcore Punk aesthetic. This was also labeled as "Sub Poppyish" since of course Sub Pop has a bunch of heavy stuff playing. Next song!
I have no idea, but I needed a filler....
This next one is from one of Brazil's most well known bands. Also one of the landmark bands in both World Music and Psychedelic Rock. Os Mutantes (The Mutants) were mostly composed of three founding members (Arnaldo Baptista, Rita Lee, & Sérgio Dias) and several guest musicians, in which some have stayed to become part of the band. Up till now and going, Sérgio remains as the only one of the founding three to remain and continue the band, even after they had a long haitus for about two decades. Let's listen to one of their most special songs.
No it's not "Bat Macumba".....
This was actually the very first song I heard from them (I seriously don't know how I got across this one but I'm glad I did because as strange as it sounds, this is one of my favorite songs of all times.) It starts out with Rita happily giggling in a high pitched girlish squeal while...........You know what, to tell you the truth, I can't even explain this song to you because it's amazing and kinda screws with you a little bit. (That and because sometimes I'm not even sure of who plays what, but I never said I was a Musicologist or Hardcore Music Nerd.) ((Besides I'm only beginning and I can't explain things very well..................maybe that's why I haven't been able to start a band or solo career...........Oh well)) :P You seriously though have to listen to it in order to know what I mean by a good "Mind-blowing fucking song"! Next!!!!!
She will still cheer for me in a stupid situation.
Okay, this last band isn't very well known like the last two and only lasted for one album. It's a group who's members are or were part of other several bands that either are well known or not. I don't know about the title of a supergroup, since this band is Indie and supergroups are more of musicians from giant labels, including the group itself. It's a great collective anyways! On the point, you'll recognize some of the bands they came from: The Smashing Pumpkins, Slint, Chavez, A Perfect Circle, and Tortoise. They had a good run, releasing a couple of songs and one album, but they broke up to what no one knows about. (Seriously some of they shit that was said makes you go
The style of the album reminds us so much of The Smashing Pumpkins with the Gothic Rock sound replaced with a more somewhat upbeat Psychedelic Pop feel to it. especially a good example being "Lyric", the opening track to the album. It has a very great harmony shared by Billy Corgan, Paz Lenchantin and Matt Sweeney while Billy, Matt and David Pajo also bring us a great delivery of guitars in harmony form also (Billy has his on a fuzzy, distorted vibe, David is set to a clean yet spacey feel, while Matt is set as the Hard Rock edge.) Paz's bass seems to bounce in the background with joy while Jimmy Chamberlin brings on a brilliant drumline reminiscent of Keith Moon over the in and out fading of voices around the song's chorus.
Ah, oh well I try my best anyways to describe the songs in the best way I can. So I'm gonna keep doing it! :D Hey I'm no legit Rock critic, but I can tell you how much I embrace Rock music! :P I hoped you enjoyed this segment as usual. (Whoever is out there.) 

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