Saturday, October 5, 2013

Song Of The Day!

Let's take a step back into something pretty funky.
Not this kind of Funk though.
We are talking about something that wants to make us want to dance though. It was quite popular for a short while in the last decade. It was pretty simple too since it just mostly required a synthesizer. Even though you may be thinking it's the crappy Synthpop they play on the radio now, it's not. This was more or a dance-oriented revival of 80's New Wave. The artists who are implied to the genre are either geniuses themselves or comedians who take musical form, since a lot of songs are either concrete experimental or bathed in giggling irony. Today's SOTD we are revolving around is:
Felix Da Housecat: Silver Screen Shower Scene (Feat. Miss Kittin)
It's simple really. If you want to know what Electroclash sounds like, either watch cult classic film "Liquid Sky" or listen to legendary artists like Felix Da Housecat or Miss Kittin. (Who is reigned Queen of Electroclash by the way.) "Silver Screen Shower Scene" is one of the few songs to mark a point in the popularity of the genre. It's a simple song consisting of Felix's beats while Miss Kittin provides the vocals. If you know of Miss Kittin, you'll know her sexy deadpan vocal delivery.
Sorry Vivian, you got replaced
Caroline, I mean Miss Kittin, sings the same four lines almost throughout the entire song while accompanied by several bass kicks and electronic snares. Then when she finishes, then we hear a guitar and bass beat that's heavily phased and distorted, but awesome enough to dance to. The process repeats itself until you hear Felix and Kittin sing "In the music, say the word. See the light, join the herd. And then it comes, and then it goes. Diamond memories go with the flow." Then we finally listen to an amazing 70's like guitar delivery before we go back to the same routine. Genius track created by genius artists!

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