Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sorry about that! Song(s) of the Day!

As I said before, I apologize for not updating. I had some recent issues come up.
I really don't think I'm that psychotic....
Recently some things haven't been going so well, and I decided to take a break from Blogger for a while.
Well anyways what's on hand is that I need to do my usual. (I've done things like this before.) So today I'm presenting three songs that are of course random and not as much related to each other, or else what would be the point of this blog? Today's SOTD(s) are:
Rammstein: Seemann
Genres: Industrial Metal, Gothic Rock
Oh Land: Speak Out Now
Genres: Indietronica, Experimental Rock, Alternative Dance
Porter: Host Of A Ghost
Genres: Indie Pop, Experimental Rock, Art Rock, Psychedelic Pop
Okay where do I exactly start? Well any of you guys have heard of Rammstein right? Great Industrial Metal band that rose out of Germany? Anyone?! For most of you that probably don't listen to Non-English songs, I encourage you to! (This is coming from a Mexican! :P) It's great on what you'd find, like this for instance. This song came from the first album "Herzeleid". So basically this song came before the popular song "Du Hast" came out. To me this is also a little bit better than "Du Hast" actually.
Probably what some people are thinking right now....
This song is a little different from most Rammstein songs, since it carries a more gothic feel to it. Christian "Flake" Lorenz starts us of with a minimalistic glitch sound that sets highly dark mood. I'm presuming at the beginning of the song (and partially played during the course of it) Paul Landers plays a seemingly gloomy scale while Oliver Riedel softly strums the bass that gives of a morbid feeling in the air. After a while, then Christoph Schneider joins in aggressively hitting the toms before crashing the cymbals while Richard Kruspe starts to deliver a stunning piece that fills in the dreaded part of the song. Till Lindermann then makes a sad but true statement in lyrical form. We are all afraid to die alone in the vast expansion we call life itself.
As Metallica stated, "Sad But True"
Out next song drives out from the sadness of life to now one of those dancy rebellious anthems that I think will probably be an awesome gay anthem! :) (Even though a gay anthem doesn't have to make us dance but somewhat empowered, encouraged to make a choice. like a Punk Rock song.) If youhaven't heard of Oh Land, I'm going to tell you anyways. Oh Land comes from Denmark, where she once was a beautiful ballerina, except a serious and unfortunate accident caused her to retire from that dream life. Instead of moping, she focused on another talent she had. Along with her interest in the arts (probably helped by her parents) she then started to create wonderful music that a lot of people are still trying to confuse as if Lady Gaga created art herself. (I don't hate Lady Gaga at all, just the fact that some of her fans are pretty stupid at making statements that give her a bad rep, you catch my drift?)
I still like her unique attitude on avant garde fashion
Now along to the song, you hear an already catchy drum beat along with what appears to be a xylophone following the beat. After breathing a lot of ahhs, Nanna (Oh Land) begins to question about ones ability to make their statement towards what sounds like animosity. After a moment, the chorus comes up along with a bubblegum dream-like synth. She continues to sing about not being left behind to dissapear into a void of doubt, when in fact you seem to be the only natural attendant in a facade of how life should be viewed as. To escape these pile of contradictions, one must attempt to "speak out". This is why I think it should fit as not just a gay anthem, but a rebellious anthem in general for those who feel insecure about how people treat them.
Everyone has emotion, even the sad ones
While we are on the subject of experimental music, I like to bring out an Indie band I started to love ever since I became curious about them. They come from Mexico and they sound magnificent, kind of like MGMT or Empire Of The Sun. The lead singer also has a solo career with a different stage name, Juan Son. They mostly sing in Spanish but also have some English songs as well. I'd like to present one of their most interesting songs, not because it's a single, but because of the creative form that was displayed.
Plus it's obsession with cats.
It starts off with Bacter producing music that rises in beats. Imagine a somewhat dying flashlight that you whack sometimes in order for it to get brighter (Don't know how that works.) He is accompanied by Chata whom sounds as if he's hitting off somewhere in the distance, like under the sea. Fehr and Villor then linger in as Bacter joins them again with a bass this time. Mussgo (Juan Son) than sings about, in simple terms, a reunion with someone he once fell in love with before, but sees her again as a shell of old memories: A "host of a ghost". The music video also shows that the song could possibly be about abortion, but I agree more with the lost love meaning. All the while before Chata is about to break out an start drumming in fast tempo seizure mode, we hear meowing. In a way, it's pretty catchy meowing that hooks me more than that commercial with the cats meowing a familiar children's tune. (Can't remember the damn name.....oh well :P) Check out the songs right now!

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