Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Song Of The Day!

Welcome to yet another one of those usual things I happen to do on a daily basis.
Yep.........(Courtesy of Google and Mean Girls.)
I've decided to post courtesy posts after each picture I've posted since I mostly have gotten them off Google  (Fairly obvious) and I barely even own anything (The only photos I own on the blog are the two photos on the first post.) and because I wouldn't think anyone wouldn't have noticed the references I've used. It's my daily blog! C'mon now, it's the least I can do to enjoy everyday of my life. :P Anyways, I've now decided today to add a little bit more Metal since there doesn't seem to be enough. (I mean my mp3 doesn't carry that much either but c'mon, I'm also a Metal fan!) Trust me, I've been listening to Rock and Metal ever since I was out of my umbilical cord. This was before Guitar Hero inspired me more to create a band and before I got hooked on Metalocalypse. (It's funny)
Seriously funny though. (Courtesy of Google and Metalocalypse.)
Today's SOTD is:
Steppenwolf: Born To Be Wild (Coutesy of Wikipedia & this awesome band!)
It's time to look at the ones that helped create Heavy Metal! "Born To Be Wild" is considered one of the first Heavy Metal songs released in the late 60's. It is the most well-known Mars Bonfire song written in pop culture. Everyone at least heard this song a shitload of times, if it's not a lot of Classic Rock stations playing it, then you'll either hear it in a car commercial or The Rugrats Movie. I mean if you haven't heard the familiar line John Kay sings after the song intro, then you've must have been really sheltered good to not remember this. At least you should remember the notable guitar riff Michael Monarch starts out with before Rushton Moreve, Goldy McJohn & Jerry Edmonton join in. Maybe remember Jerry's complex beat while accompanied by John singing the title name? Goldy's solo on the organ? It can't be that hard right? If you haven't listened or don't remember the song, don't be sad or ashamed (Since that's what a lot of douche bags do when nobody has heard of a song they listen to.) Take a look at the video below!

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